Bro. James McKay Munro PM, an obituary

It is with deepest regret that we report the Passing to the Grand Lodge above of Brother James McKay Munro PM. Bro. Jim was initiated into Freemasonry on 8 December 1965, Passed on 12 January 1966, and Raised on 22 February 1966. He was made a Mark Master Mason on 26 November 1966 and was widely known throughout the Province of Midlothian, and in Edinbugh Masonic circles. He was installed as Right Worshipful Master of Rosslyn St. Clair in December 1989, a position he held for two years; he was also a Past Master of Lodge Robert Burns Initiated 1781. In recent years Bro. Jim had become frail and found his active Freemasonry curtailed, although he did manage to attend our meetings as his circumstances allowed. He will be missed by many in Rosslyn St. Clair, and throughout our Province.

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