Brother Bruce Ballantyne, our Right Worshipful Master, his Office-Bearers and the Brethren of Lodge Rosslyn St. Clair wish all Masons in the UK and across the globe a Very Happy Christmas and a Healthy and Prosperous New Year.
The year just ending, 2020, has seen pain, tragedy and loss for many throughout the world and yet has also seen encouraging examples of humankind coming together to help and support each other, and scientists breaking all previous records to develop vaccines to counter the Covid pandemic.
Despite the latest news of virus mutations, and increasingly restricted travel within the UK, and to and from Europe, there is much to look forward to in 2021; it is vital that we all remain positive and look forward to better times in 2021.
The RWM wishes to record his thanks to the Rosslyn brethren who are keeping a watching brief over our Masonic Hall while it is closed because of the Covid restrictions and, most particularly, to everyone who helped raise funds to maintain our proud tradition of generous help for those in the community in need of support and in the current climate, to all the key workers working so hard to protect us.
Once more, “A Merry Christmas and a Happy and Safe New Year to you all!”