Social Evening

Lodge Rosslyn St Clair 606 21 Main Street, Roslin, Midlothian

All welcome to join us for an informal social gathering. Lots of homespun entertainment and a great opportunity to catch up with friends. Bring your own nibbles and eats.


October Management Meeting

Lodge Rosslyn St Clair 606 21 Main Street, Roslin, Midlothian

Ongoing discussion of Lodge affairs.

2nd Degree Rehearsal

Lodge Rosslyn St Clair 606 21 Main Street, Roslin, Midlothian

An opportunity for office-bearers to rehearse the working of the Fellowcraft Degree

November Regular Meeting

Lodge Rosslyn St Clair 606 21 Main Street, Roslin, Midlothian

An exemplification of the Fellowcraft Degree and an opportunity to meet and socialise with old and new friends.

November General Management Committee

Lodge Rosslyn St Clair 606 21 Main Street, Roslin, Midlothian

An opportunity for members to participate in the business management of the Lodge

December Regular Meeting

Lodge Rosslyn St Clair 606 21 Main Street, Roslin, Midlothian

The meeting will be adjourned for a lecture by Bro. Steve Burnett WJW on the hobby of Metal Detecting. Come and learn how you may discover a Viking Hoard under your back garden.

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Lodge Rosslyn St Clair 606 21 Main Street, Roslin, Midlothian

Revised Installation ArrangementsIn view of the current Covid restrictions advised by the Scottish government, the Festival of St. John scheduled for 18 December has been postponed. The Installation of Office-Bearers will take place but with attendance strictly limited to full members of 606. All other Brethren who have been invited or had reserved a ticket […]

January Regular Meeting

Lodge Rosslyn St Clair 606 21 Main Street, Roslin, Midlothian

This evening we will be working a Fellowcraft Degree. All qualified Brethren are most welcome to help us celebrate our first meeting of 2022

First Degree Rehearsal

Lodge Rosslyn St Clair 606 21 Main Street, Roslin, Midlothian

An opportunity for Office-Bearers and others to practice their ritual.

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