Chapel Tour Team Meeting

Lodge Rosslyn St Clair 606 21 Main Street, Roslin, Midlothian

Team members are invited to see the latest presentation update and to contribute additional content. The opportunity will be taken at this meeting to seek volunteers to participate in the next planned tour on Sunday 20 February 2022.

Lodge General Committee Meeting.

Lodge Rosslyn St Clair 606 21 Main Street, Roslin, Midlothian

All Committee Members and Past Masters are expected to attend and contribute to the ongoing management of Lodge affairs.

February Regular Meeting

Lodge Rosslyn St Clair 606 21 Main Street, Roslin, Midlothian

On this occasion we are working the Entered Apprentice Degree. All qualified Brethren are invited to attend. This meeting is also the Lodge Annual General Meeting at which business will include adoption of the annual Accounts for 2020 - 2021

Chapel Tour, Lodge Beverlonian 9084

Lodge Rosslyn St Clair 606 21 Main Street, Roslin, Midlothian

Our first opportunity since the Covid lockdowns to host visitors from England for a presentation about, and visit to, our lodge and Rosslyn Chapel. Full details of the event will be circulated to the Chapel Tour Team as they are finalised.

March Regular Meeting

Lodge Rosslyn St Clair 606 21 Main Street, Roslin, Midlothian

At this meeting we shall be working a Fellowcraft degree; all qualified Brethren are most welcome to visit and enjoy our company and hospitality

Enquiry Committee

Lodge Rosslyn St Clair 606 21 Main Street, Roslin, Midlothian

A meeting to consider two potential candidates. Members of the Committee are RWM, Secretary, Treasurer, WSW, WJW and all PMs. A full attendance is requested. Please note that this meeting is immediately prior to the March General Committee at starting at 7.00pm.

Deputation to Journeymen Masons, No. 8

Lodge of Journeymen Masons 63 Blackfriars Street,, Edinburgh

RWM Bro. Charles D Beattie will head a deputation to The Lodge of Journeymen Masons No. 8 on Thursday 24th when Bro. G Spence PM will receive honorary membership conferred by Bro. Tom Drummond PM. A full attendance of Rosslyn Brethren will demonstrate a welcome tribute to our RWM and Bro. Geoff Spence PM

First Degree rehearsal

Lodge Rosslyn St Clair 606 21 Main Street, Roslin, Midlothian

Office-Bearers with a role to play in the degree being held on 13 April are invited to attend a short rehearsal and further polish their performance

Enquiry Meeting

Lodge Rosslyn St Clair 606 21 Main Street, Roslin, Midlothian

All members of the Enquiry Committee are expected to attend this meeting which was postponed from 23 March because of a Covid-19 infection

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