First Degree Rehearsal

Lodge Rosslyn St Clair 606 21 Main Street, Roslin, Midlothian

A further opportunity for the Office-Bearers taking part in the 13 April Entered Apprentice Degree to enhance their skills.

April Regular Meeting

Lodge Rosslyn St Clair 606 21 Main Street, Roslin, Midlothian

On this occasion we will be working an entered Apprentice Degree and holding a Ballot for a new Applicant. This meeting is also the occasion of our Annual Visitation by the Provincial Grand Lodge of Midlothian, the first since the Covid lockdown in 2020; a full attendance of Rosslyn St. Clair brethren is expected in […]

Enquiry Meeting Cancelled

Lodge Rosslyn St Clair 606 21 Main Street, Roslin, Midlothian

This Enquiry Meeting has been postponed until further notice. The General Committee meeting scheduled to follow at 7.00pm will be held as planned.

Enquiry and General Committee Meetings

Lodge Rosslyn St Clair 606 21 Main Street, Roslin, Midlothian

This meeting will begin at 6pm and begin with an Enquiry into the candidate who would have been considered on on 6 April had Covid19 not forced a postponement. All members of the Enquiry committee are expected to attend. The Enquiry will be followed by the last planned General Committee meeting before we meet again […]

Festival of St. John

Lodge Rosslyn St Clair 606 21 Main Street, Roslin, Midlothian

The long postponed and hugely anticipated Festival cancelled from our Installation in December 2021 because of Covid restrictions. Now we look forward to a very successful evening of toasts and enjoyment. Charge for the meal is £10 except for those who prepaid in December and who didn't seek a refund. Contact the Treasurer for details.


Twinning Ceremony with Lodge Bilu 33, Israel

Lodge Rosslyn St Clair 606 21 Main Street, Roslin, Midlothian

This evening we enter into a unique Twinning arrangement with Lodge Bilu 33, Rehovot, Israel. Worshipful Brother Yoav Danzinger accompanied by a Deputation from Bilu 33, together with our own Right Worshipful Master, Bro Charles D Beattie, will sign the Agreement, witnessed by RW Depute Provincial Grand Master, Robert Law and a Deputation from the […]


Senior Members’ Lunch (Note change of date)

Lodge Rosslyn St Clair 606 21 Main Street, Roslin, Midlothian

Our annual opportunity to thank our senior members for their loyalty and support over the preceding months with an afternoon of eating and merry making. Entertainment on this occasion will be provided by 'The Music Man' so remember to save the date - and bring your dancing shoes! Invitations will be sent in July..


General Committee Meeting

Lodge Rosslyn St Clair 606 21 Main Street, Roslin, Midlothian

Our first Management Committee meeting of the Autumn/Winter season - the 'Second Half'. Members are expected to attend, to catch up with old friends, hear how your lodge has fared over the summer months, and participate in the programme and management of the way ahead.

Rehearsal – Entered Apprentice Degree – Postponed

Lodge Rosslyn St Clair 606 21 Main Street, Roslin, Midlothian

The opportunity for Office-Bearers to polish off the rough edges from their ritual and gain confidence for the degree meeting on 14 September.

September Regular Meeting – Cancelled

Lodge Rosslyn St Clair 606 21 Main Street, Roslin, Midlothian

All Masonic activity is cancelled as a mark of respect until after the funeral of HM Queen Elizabeth 11 on 19 September 2022

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