November Regular Meeting

Lodge Rosslyn St Clair 606 21 Main Street, Roslin, Midlothian

Tonight we work our annual Mark Degree. Office-Bearers wear lounge suits for this meeting. Other business will include the adoption of any Notices of Motion presented to the October Regular Meeting Visiting Mark Master Masons are most welcome.

November General Committee Meeting

Lodge Rosslyn St Clair 606 21 Main Street, Roslin, Midlothian

Our RWM's last committee meeting before he demits office. Please give him your full support.

Your Lodge Needs You!!

Lodge Rosslyn St Clair 606 21 Main Street, Roslin, Midlothian

Repairs to the Lodge roof will be undertaken on Friday 6 December. The RWM is leading the work which starts at 10.00am and would be grateful for help from members,  either with labouring or simply making refreshments for the workers. Contact RWM George on 07713 434917 to let him know you are coming.

Deputation to St. Clair Edinburgh 349

Caledonian Masonic Lodge 5 Roseburn Gardens, Edinburgh, Midlothian, United Kingdom

All Rosslyn Brethren and Honorary Members are encouraged to join the Deputation to Edinburgh St. Clair to witness a Degree performed by the brethren of that lodge, and our own Right Worshipful Master George Smith being awarded Honorary Membership of St. Clair 349. The Master will appreciate a large turnout on this evening which will […]

Deputation to St. Kentigern 429

St. Kentigern 429 St. Leonard 580, Loanhead

Once more, the 606 Brethren are requested to join the Deputation to St. Kentigern 429 to support the Right Worshipful Master and witness him being awarded with Honorary Membership of St. Kentigern. Please make this an event for RWM George to remember as he nears the end of his term of office.

December Regular (Greetin’) Meeting

Lodge Rosslyn St Clair 606 21 Main Street, Roslin, Midlothian

RWM George Smith's Greeting' Meetin' and your opportunity to thank him for his service and guidance during his year in office.

Installation and Festival of St. John

Lodge Rosslyn St Clair 606 21 Main Street, Roslin, Midlothian

The installation of our new RWM and his team of Office-Bearers for the year 2019-2020 followed by a Festival of celebration. On this occasion the Lodge will tyle at 4.00pm sharp.

Degree Rehearsal and brief Management Meeting

Lodge Rosslyn St Clair 606 21 Main Street, Roslin, Midlothian

A rehearsal for the Second Degree to be held at the Regular Meeting on Wednesday 8 January. All new degree office-bearers are encouraged to attend to support our new RWM. A brief meeting of the General Committee will be held at 6.00pm at which the Treasurer will explain the final accounts for 2018/19 prior to […]

January Regular Meeting

Lodge Rosslyn St Clair 606 21 Main Street, Roslin, Midlothian

An exemplification of a 2nd Degree will be held tonight to which all qualified members are welcome. The Initiation initially planned for this meeting has had to be postponed for unforeseen reasons and will instead be held on 12 February. Please make this evening a memorable one for Bro. Bruce Ballantyne RWM and his new […]

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