1971-1972 Bro. Donald Angus
It is with great sadness that we intimate to you the passing to the Grand lodge above of our oldest Past Master, Brother Donald George Quin Angus PM, aged 85 years, on the 11th March 2021.
Brother Donald was Initiated in Lodge Rosslyn St. Clair No 606 on the 22nd January 1964, he was passed on the 11th March 1964, Raised on the 14th October 1964 and Advanced on the 28th November 1964. He was proudly Installed as our RWM on the 18th December 1971 and was welcomed as an Honorary Member of Lodge St. Clair No. 349 and Lodge St Kentigern No. 429.
Brother Angus PM moved to Canada where he lived for some years and was proud when he returned to again attend at 606 and see his son Gordon installed as RWM of Lodge Torphichen Kilwinning No. 13, “Auld 13”, Bathgate, in 2006.
Brother Angus PM will be sadly missed by his family and all who knew him. The thoughts of us all at 606 will be with his family at this sad time.